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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 8 closely related terms such as reduce, more carbon, and low carbon.

1 result

Surrey County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Local Authority Priorities by 2025 Enabling residents: • Support up to 20% of elderly residents, low income and off gas households to be warm, reduce bills and decarbonise by accessing Sustainable Warmth national grant fundingiii. • Encourage carbon emissions reduction in the private-rented sector by enforcing minimum energy efficiency standards and developing a loan scheme for low

… into consideration, including carbon, biodiversity and flood protection. • Bring 3330 hectares of woodland back into management and facilitate the planting of 600,000 trees and hedgerows to lock in more carbon, increase biodiversity and supply sustainable timber and wood fuel. The role of Land Management Land owners and managers, including Local Authorities, can help capture carbon, reduce flooding…

… cars off the road E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y 2,000 hectares of new woodland 53,000 low carbon homes 6.2M additional solar panels 7,800 low carbon businesses 2018 2025 REDUCED waste to landfill M ill io n To nn es o f C ar b on e m is si on s 0 3 6 NET ZERO C ar b on a bs or b ed 2050 OUR PATHWAY TO NET ZERO REDUCTION OF 1.3M TONNES OF CARBON

…, Local Authorities cannot achieve a net-zero county alone, but we recognise that we have an important role to play. Around 70 actions have been identified4 that are designed to directly deliver carbon savings, enable others to act, facilitate necessary infrastructure, provide leadership in meeting ambitious organisational emissions targets, and be a leading voice in affecting change outside…

…, shop, eat and reduce waste. Homeowners, landlords and developers can create energy efficient buildings which use low-carbon heat pumps, and maximise on-site renewable energy. Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan (2021–2025) | 10 E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y Enabling Business: • Offer LoCASEv grants to improve the sustainability of small and medium businesses. • Support…


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