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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including the closely related term carbon.

1 result

North Hertfordshire District Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… created an action tracker based on the energy efficiency measures recommended in the report. We are also having the emissions related to the Council’s vehicle fleet, grey fleet, commuting, water, and waste assessed, and expect to receive similar reports for these elements which lay out the opportunities for carbon reduction. NHDC CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 2021-2026 PAGE 20 Appendix B…

… We have engaged a consultant to help identify the Council’s current carbon footprint. We have received a report detailing carbon emissions from our main sites and buildings, aswell as energy efficiency measures and possibilities for investment in renewable energy which could help the Council reduce its carbon footprint. We have…

… North Herts Council Climate Change Strategy Completed Actions 2020 Reducing our carbon footprint The Council has made the switch to renewable electricity and green gas to power and heat our buildings. The Council has worked with Stevenage Leisure Limited (SLL) to eliminate single use plastics from Leisure Centres and Swimming Pools. Blue plastic overshoes were removed from…


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