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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including the closely related terms low carbon, carbon, and low carbon.

1 result

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… and opportunities, including new jobs in low carbon industries, safer and more comfortable homes and workplaces with lower energy bills, better air quality and more greenspace and access to nature, improving our health and well-being. The Commission’s mission is to provide independent advice to local government, the broader public sector and business on setting and meeting carbon reduction targets…

… on the Government’s Hydrogen Advisory Council. She was a non-executive director of the Green Investment Bank, she led the King Review on decarbonising transport (2008), and was the UK’s Low Carbon Business Ambassador from 2008 – 2018. Richard Astle Chairman of Natural Cambridgeshire. Natural Cambridgeshire brings together businesses, local authorities, the health sector, farming, wildlife, and environmental…

… Ambassador on Climate Change, representing RIBA at COP21 in Paris and chairing their Sustainable Futures Group 2014-2017. Lynne has authored and chaired a number of policy review and research projects on building performance and sustainability for UK governments and others, including 'A Low Carbon Building Standards Strategy for Scotland'. Ben Szreter Ben Szreter is a Policy Advisor…

… of the task ahead is huge. But if we are all part of the transformation: national government, local government, local communities, businesses and individuals, we can make the changes that are needed. In the CPCA area we have over 350,000 existing homes that will need to be converted to low carbon heating, and every new build (growing in number with developments like the Ox-Cam Arc) must be net zero. All…

…, we can grow our impact on a national and an international level by harnessing our world-leading intellectual assets. We have outstanding universities, research institutes and colleges which can be centres for low carbon innovation, new approaches to adapting to climate change, and training for the new skills required. We have world-leading knowledge intensive industries. We have a nationally…


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