Including 11 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and become carbon.
… intensive contracts based on Scope 3 emissions analysis Assess carbon reduction opportunities and develop a carbon reduction plan to eliminate waste in the supply chain and engage suppliers. 2021/22 Planning and Sustainability Internal budget identified Staff Travel Action Activities Timescale Portfolio Holder Resource Make the Council an exemplar on staff commuting…
… commuting, waste and leased assets. Further sections of the Plan outline action that can be taken to reduce carbon emissions by residents, businesses and others across the District, either through direct initiatives, using statutory powers or by influencing behaviour change. This ranges from emissions arising from travel, as well as from homes, business premises and production processes, through…
… opportunities and providing health benefits that can help to make Epping Forest District a great place where people enjoy living, working, learning and leisure. 3 Climate Change Action Plan Purpose The Climate Change Action Plan supports the Council’s ambition to do everything within its power to become carbon neutral by 2030. The Action Plan identifies the main sources of carbon…
…: The section on Council Operations sets out how the Council aims to reduce its own carbon emissions to become carbon neutral and identifies actions on how this is to be achieved. Council operations include emissions reduction in Council buildings, including the Civic offices, museum and sheltered housing as well as emissions from the goods and services that the Council purchases, business travel, staff…
… of wastewater and water supply DM19 Sustainable water use DM20 Low carbon and renewable energy DM21 Local environmental impacts, pollution and land contamination DM22 Air quality T1 Sustainable Transport Choices T2 Safeguarding of routes and facilities Other related plans, strategies and guidance: EFDC Green Infrastructure Strategy Primer 0 – July 2021 EFDC Green Infrastructure Strategy…