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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 8 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and carbon management.

1 result

Cheshire West and Chester Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… developed for borough-wide emissions, this Carbon Management Plan provides an overview of the Council’s current position and outlines the plan for carbon neutral services from 2030. The ambition to reduce carbon emissions is not being made from a standing start; over the past decade there have been two prior Carbon Management Plans; 2010-2015 and 2016-2020. Whilst relatively good progress has…

carbon management in the organisation The following action are considered essential for ensuring carbon emissions are reduced over the period of the plan. • Directorate carbon emission reduction targets • Increase monitoring and baseline to expand scope • Implementation of the key actions outlined in this plan • Development of refined monitoring and reporting systems • Core centralised…

… sustainably while at work. In addition to current work to ensure carbon considerations are included in procurement activity, the Council will consider the expansion of reported emissions to include these supply chain (Scope 3) emissions during the 2030-2035 Carbon Management Plan. The Council will also consider the move from market to the preferred location reporting i.e. using local instead…

… the new baseline year against which energy and carbon reduction activity by Cheshire West and Chester Council will be monitored. The table and chart represent the derivative sources of emissions in the baseline year and show the largest source of emissions as scope 1; generated from the gas burnt on site consumed across the Council estate. This accounted for 40 per cent to the total…

… and in accordance with corporate standards. Glossary Term Definition BEIS Government Department for Business, Environment and Industrial Strategy. Carbon Equivalent (CO2e) An estimate of how much global warming a given green-house gas may contribute, using carbon dioxide as the reference. Carbon Management Plan Council’s strategic document detailing actions required…


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