Including the closely related terms carbon emission, and carbon.
… is. To help us work out our carbon footprint the working group applied for a £1500 grant from One Carbon World. One Carbon World is a delivery partner of the UN Climate Neutral Now scheme. It helps organisations reduce their carbon footprint by retiring carbon credits, supporting emission reduction and forestry projects that meet the highest standards, reducing carbon emissions and contributing…
… to tackle climate change, and to report the findings of the Working Group to the Policy and Finance Committee. 3 UPDATE 3.1 The Working Group has met on four occasions. The minutes of the meetings are attached at Appendix A. 3.2 One of the priority actions in the 2019-2023 Corporate Strategy is ‘To develop an action plan to work towards being a carbon neutral borough by 2030 which is based…
… on a better understanding of our current carbon emissions.’ 3.3 We are currently in the process of drafting a Climate Change Strategy to cover the period 2021-2030. The strategy will outline the actions we intend to take to ensure we reach our target of being a carbon neutral borough by 2030, consisting of three parts addressing: Ribble Valley Borough Council as an organisation - climate change…
… climate change 3.4 The Climate Change Strategy will be based on an understanding of our current carbon emissions, our carbon footprint, and will address how we intend to reach the target of DECISION The Corporate Plan 2019-2023 includes the objective ‘To aspire to be a carbon neutral borough by 2030’ and a priority action of: To develop an action plan to work towards being a carbon…
… neutral borough by 2030 which is based on a better understanding of our current carbon emissions being carbon neutral by 2020 through the action plan. 3.5 It is intended that the strategy will be presented to this committee for approval by June 2021. The strategy will then be reviewed annually. 3.6 The starting point is having a better understanding of what our current carbon footprint…