Including 9 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and reduce carbon.
…, we will begin to use all the Council’s purchasing power to reduce carbon emissions throughout our supply chain, by taking carbon considerations in to account when making procurement decisions. The Council cannot however bring about the required change independently, we are dependent on a range of factors such as clarity regarding the national planning framework and the provision of a long…
… the Council could advocate for the borough, as a whole, and at national and international level. Actions generally can be categorised as those which are primarily mitigation-based – those that reduce carbon emissions, those that are adaptation-based – that reduce the detrimental effects of climate change, and those that we will ask of our residents to effect change in their own lives. 4…
… What is Carbon Neutrality? Carbon Neutrality is a term that is interchangeable with the term ‘net zero carbon’. It refers to carbon dioxide emissions being balanced with carbon reduction (offsetting) measures such as tree planting and carbon capture and storage. It is essential that we minimise the need for carbon reduction measures by reducing our emissions as fully as possible. Typically…
… of policy changes that would be required to meet this target, makes even the adopted 2045 target and associated carbon budget exceptionally challenging to deliver. An inconvenient truth underlies this work. Our Carbon Reduction Plan does not and cannot go far enough while remaining deliverable by a local authority. We need radical change in the political, social and economic context, beyond…
… that the 2045 target and carbon budget are exceptionally challenging based on the current policy, funding and technological environment. However, setting an exceptionally challenging target is in this case, appropriate, as it will facilitate speed of action in reducing carbon emissions, which is the most significant consideration in tackling climate change. 5 Accessible Description…