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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 7 closely related terms such as low carbon, lower carbon, and carbon management.

1 result

Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, we will also promote smarter driving and under- take an anti-idling campaign to eliminate emissions from idling engines. Working with Kent County Council and transport operators to provide an inte- grated transport system that promotes lower carbon and healthy transport choices within Tonbridge and Malling will also be instrumental in lowering carbon emissions from this sector. The Council…

… Community and Business Engagement Individuals, households, communities and business all have a role to play in lowering carbon emissions and tackling climate change. The Council has a leadership role which can be used to inform and influence decision making, enabling changes in behaviour which will address climate change issues. We will secure debate at a range of forums including, the West Kent…

… through a cli- mate change action plan. This will be updated annually and actions and pro- gress will be reported and published on our website each year. The targets within the action plan will help us move towards a low carbon future, improve our resilience to the effects of a changing climate as well as capturing the opportunities and benefits of transitioning to a low carbon future. Climate…

… across all sectors. At Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council we will reduce emissions from energy consumption in all Council buildings, in house fleet transport and staff travel. We are committed to fully embed carbon management within all Council policies and procedures and ensure that climate change is a recognised commitment within the Corporate Strategy. We will raise carbon management

…- mate change, will form part of that exercise. It is anticipated that the government will introduce the Future Homes Standard by 2025, which will set new requirements for new homes built in England via Part L and Part F of the Building Regulations. It is anticipated that this will re- quire new build homes to be future-proofed with low carbon heating, and world- leading levels of energy efficiency…


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