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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 9 closely related terms such as carbon reductions, reductions, and become carbon.

1 result

Fareham Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… in delivering our commit to carbon neutrality. We estimate we will have reduced our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by half, through the implementation of the measures above. Scope 3 reductions will be based on what we can achieve with our partners. Borough Wide Carbon Reductions The focus of our carbon reduction actions are the emissions from the Council’s services. However, our everyday work is so…

… can’t eliminate or reduce These principles will provide a framework for our carbon reduction actions and help to guide us when making key decisions. Projects to Date The Council has had the natural environment as a focus for many years. The Corporate Vision is reviewed annually and the priority ‘Protect and Enhance the Environment’ has been highlighted since 2011. Many of the projects…

…. These sites are: • Community centres • Leisure centres • Our leased office space within the Civic Offices and Depot • Portchester Crematorium 451.14 tCO2e - From heating leased / contracted sites 550.02 tCO2e - From electricity at leased / contracted sites Reducing the Council’s Carbon Footprint Our commitment is to escalate our existing carbon reduction actions and focus…

… that the Council will face in meeting carbon neutrality. It outlines the actions we will undertake in the short term, including those already underway, and describes how we will address the longer-term goals. Planning for neutrality in the long term will be driven by where the greatest carbon savings can be made. These projects require comprehensive work exploring costs, carbon savings and resources…

…. Our Vision We recognise the importance of mitigating climate change within Fareham and want to ensure resilience, equity and the environment are at the heart of everything we do. Our Key Principles Our strategy to become carbon neutral is centred around 3 principles: Eliminate Reduce Offset Stop unnecessary carbon emissions Implement energy saving measures Offset where we…


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