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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including the closely related terms carbon emission, and carbon.

1 result

London Borough of Brent

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… secured £4.7m for the region to retrofit homes for those on low incomes in fuel poverty, plus an additional £1m for Brent specifically in the second phase of the project. 21,000 LED street lights installed, reducing carbon emissions by 62% while continuing to keep our streets safe. Secured £3.2m of funding to improve the energy efficiency of 16 council-owned buildings across our estate in 2021-22…

… Community priorities Climate Emergency Our response to the climate emergency Our response to the climate emergency In July 2019, Brent Council declared a climate and ecological emergency and committed to do all in its gift to strive for carbon neutrality by 2030. This target is borough-wide…

…. Brent’s Climate & Ecological Emergency Strategy (.pdf, 7.07MB) is the culmination of a year of research, review, and engagement with our communities and colleagues. It sets out our proposed priorities and a pathway to carbon zero. You can find out more information about the Strategy and the consultation by clicking the links below. Easy read version of Brent’s…

… against each of these in terms of definitive action take is set out below. Consumption, Resources and Waste Developed and launched a new Procurement Sustainability Policy which mobilises £400m on council spending power in order to radically tackle carbon emissions within the council’s supply chain. 150 tonnes of plastic saved by the Plastic Free Wembley campaign, including trialling biodegradable…

…. At least, 766 solar panels installed through council-supported scheme Solar Together, saving 49 tonnes of carbon each year. So far, 68 accepted installations on properties in phase 4 of the programme in 2021. On site for our first home energy retrofit in the council’s own stock – in a void property in Harlesden to develop a zero carbon case study that both owner occupiers and landlords can utilise when…


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