Including 8 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and achieve carbon.
… 18 4.5 Priority 4 - Raise awareness of carbon management among staff through the Environmental Strategic Board to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption 18 4.6 Priority 5 - Incorporate high standards of energy efficiency into new buildings, equipment and contracts…
… 37 Carbon management plan April 2020 - March 2030 1 1.1 Summary ‘what gets measured gets managed’ (Source of the quote: Peter Drucker) Slough Borough Council (“SBC” or “the Council”) has been developing and introducing interventions aimed at reducing carbon emissions across its corporate estate and its fleet since 2008. The revised Carbon…
… government. 1.3 Purpose (Outcome) This document continues the work of the previous Carbon Management Plan (2015- 2020) and sets out what SBC will do to mitigate the carbon emissions from Council activities and buildings managed, owned and operated by the Council. The previous plan aimed to reduce carbon emissions by 20% against the 2013/14 baseline, and during the course of the plan…
… Priority 4 Raise awareness of carbon management among staff through the Environmental StrategicBoard/Green Champions to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption Priority 5 Incorporate high standards of energy efficiency into new buildings, equipment and contracts Priority 6 Incorporate carbon intensity into the procurement of goods and services 4.2 Priority 1 - Reduce CO2 emissions from energy…
… Management Plan describes our current emission s levels and looks at how we are going to achieve carbon neutrality by March 2030. It also describes how SBC will become increasingly energy efficient across the whole corporate estate and sets out how the carbon management process will contribute to the Council’s revenue reduction targets in line with the Medium Term…