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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 9 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and ambitious carbon reduction.

1 result

Mole Valley District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Greenhouse gas emissions by source sector 2 As Figure 1 shows, the emissions the public sector is directly responsible for makes up 2% of the UK’s total emissions. MVDC will therefore work with others to lobby government for early adoption of and funding for ambitious carbon emissions reduction measures. This Strategy focuses on reducing carbon emissions from the Council’s estate…

…. Measure uptake of grants within MVDC, and associated carbon reduction impact delivered, Low High D October 2020, ongoing. 14 | P a g e Area Action Measure / target Cost Carbon Impact Own Operations / District wide Timescale where data available. Develop a schedule of approved building materials that would be considered acceptable in the District and provide enhanced…

… and a sustainable future. Action to reduce carbon emissions will also support MVDC’s strategic priorities, including to improve community wellbeing, protecting and enhancing the environment, sustainable development, air quality and prosperity for all. Inaction on climate change will undo progress towards any of these objectives. Vision and aims MVDC is committed to protecting and enhancing…

… working from home, where appropriate, and use of video conferencing and encouraging sustainable transport options. Working with Surrey County Council to ensure the infrastructure is in place to increase opportunities for cycling and walking throughout the district. Fleet: replacing our existing diesel and petrol fleet with electric, or other low carbon alternatives, and providing the charging…

… services and taking action to minimise the adverse impacts. Leadership: leading by example, setting climate friendly policies and engaging with our residents and businesses to drive positive change across the District. Lobbying government: working with others to lobby government for changes in policy and infrastructure and for funding opportunities to help achieve ambitious carbon reduction


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