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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 6 closely related terms such as carbon reductions, reductions, and carbon emission.

1 result

Dacorum Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… that are suited to this region and its changing climate, as well as tackling new pests and diseases in a co- ordinated, cost effective way. Work on the overall carbon dioxide reduction and carbon sequestration impact of trees in the Borough will require an external study. Trees and Woodlands are investigating an external provision of tree canopy cover survey that can provide data for carbon storage…

… permitted in reducing carbon emissions both in the construction and ongoing habitation. 5. Current position of Climate Change and Emergency mitigation in the draft Local Plan 5.1 Set out below in Table One are the key elements of the future planning position in the Local Plan which, as indicated, will be augmented by a Supplementary Planning Document where greater detail can be included…

… Sustainable Design and Construction Requirement for majors to submit sustainability statement demonstrating that the Plan’s mitigation and adaptation principles have been satisfied. For non-res, this is waived for BREEAM excellent including ongoing commitment to BREEAM certification To be expanded within Climate Change and Sustainability SPD Energy and Carbon Emissions Reductions in New…

… of these actions not least in terms of timing and finance. All of the sub-groups have been established and had their first meetings with actions already getting underway. 3. Housing and Built Assets 3.1 In Housing Property and Place are exploring/considering actions in relation to carbon reductions to help the climate emergency objectives:  Health Check of our current stock condition data…

… with the latter offering the best fit for the Council’s requirements. This in turn will give us options on ways to best tackle carbon reductions with a number of said interventions with envisaged capital cost, whilst considering future energy bills to the end users, this is really exciting stuff  Identifying a small pilot scheme to monitor the impact of carbon reduction measures with a supplier…


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