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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 4 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon, and carbon sequestration.

1 result

Manchester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… grown over the last six years to enable organisations large and small to work together on their journey to save carbon and money through reducing energy, water and waste. In the Corridor the City Council, the two Manchester universities, Central Manchester Hospital and Bruntwood have integrated low carbon and environmental priorities as part of the Corridor Partnership’s strategic vision…

… and managing Manchester Airport’s CO2 emissions as part of an international scheme • Resources and waste: zero waste by 2050 • Food: sustainable food production and consumption • Green spaces and waterways: for climate resilience and carbon sequestration Vision 2050 Manchester is playing its full part in limiting the impacts of climate change, locally and globally. It is a thriving, zero carbon

… plans and actions over the coming decades if we are to be home to residents leading happy and healthy lives, and businesses enjoying success as part of a global low carbon economy. The city’s overarching strategy and policy framework for 2016-25, Our Manchester, provides us with a good place to start. It was developed in 2015 to set out the city’s vision and priorities for the coming decade…

… and improving the environment. Of the other 48, almost all can support and be supported by reducing our CO2 emissions and becoming more resilient to the changing climate. Educating our young people to help them act on climate change, combined with growing the city’s low carbon and environmental sector will help to ‘create new jobs [that are] accessible to Manchester residents, reducing the number…

… the coming decades will be those that develop and champion new models of low carbon, climate resilient growth. The choice is not between a low carbon future and growth, the choice is about how to develop an integrated city strategy that creates jobs and economic success, attracts investment, improves social wellbeing and health, at the same time as reversing global environmental impact. LOCAL…


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