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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 8 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and lower carbon.

1 result

Rushmoor Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Business Plan about:blank about:blank about:blank about:blank about:blank ANNEX 1 Page 3 of 28 A2.2 and to co- ordinate action Establish a network of stakeholders and interest groups to plan and deliver actions to reduce carbon emissions in the Borough 2021/23…

… use of the Greening Campaign blueprint. 2021/23 Active groups working in wards to support projects and reduce carbon emissions 6-8 active groups set up Ward Members/ Democracy and Community/Gree ning Campaign/local stakeholder groups Climate Change Strategy/ Deprivation/ Supporting Communities Strategy and Action Plan A3.3 Run competitions for the best examples…

… with recommendatio ns prepared by December 2020 Executive Director Farnborough Civic Quarter Masterplan/ Rushmoor Local Plan/ Council Business Plan B1.2 Scope and develop a sustainability plan to supplement the regeneration projects in Aldershot Town Centre 2021/23 Plan for work to mitigate and adapt the town centre to meet the sustainability targets and reduce carbon emissions New…

… and use of fuels Revised policies in place adopted and agreed by operators and licensing conditions reviewed. Operations ANNEX 1 Page 14 of 28 B5.6 Ensure that the new leisure contracts reflect sustainability and lower carbon emissions including the requirements for sustainable energy and access solutions for the new leisure facilities. 2021…

…/23 Reduction in the Council’s carbon footprint Specification and tender process secures more sustainability and lower carbon emissions Operations Council Business Plan B5.7 Make provision within the Council’s Procurement Strategy for consideration of sustainability initiatives in procurement e.g. local employment, recycling of goods, sustainably sourced products 2020/21…


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