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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including the closely related terms reduction programme, property carbon, and carbon.

1 result

Wiltshire Council

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… the procurement process The council's Property Carbon Reduction Programme has so far delivered 50 completed projects with 17 more currently awarded and underway. The project is estimated to save 1,500 tonnes of CO2 per year The £12 million project to convert the council's street lighting to energy efficient LED lighting is complete for all standard streetlights in Wiltshire. Any remaining units are heritage…

… 2021 - Cabinet meeting - Update on council's response to climate emergency 14 July 2020 - Cabinet meeting - Update on council's response to climate change 8 October 2019 - Cabinet meeting- Update on council's response to climate change Carbon reduction will be a key theme in our recovery from COVID-19. As well as adopting the new climate strategy, we are carrying out a review of the Local Plan…

… and developing our fourth Local Transport Plan. Carbon reduction will be an integral theme within these documents. We have also adopted a Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy. From this we will develop a woodland and tree planting policy. We are also engaging with other public sector organisations through the Wiltshire Public Service Board and with businesses through the Swindon and Wiltshire Local…

… Climate emergency Overview In February 2019 we resolved to acknowledge a climate emergency and to seek to make the county of Wiltshire carbon neutral by 2030. A Global Warming and Climate Emergency Task Group was set up to gather evidence and come up with recommendations on achieving this. Our Cabinet subsequently committed to make the council carbon neutral by 2030. A new climate…

… to traditional building. This project will deliver 1,000 new affordable zero carbon homes. For more information about Modern methods of construction visit New build programme. The launch of a scheme that enables Wiltshire households with an income of £30,000 or less, and living in a property that is rated D, E, F or G for energy efficiency, the chance to access up to £10,000 for improvements…


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