Including 8 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and low carbon.
… technologies West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy This document represents a joint commitment made by the local authorities of West Yorkshire and the Combined Authority to improve air quality across the region. It has key crossovers with both the City Region LEP SEP and WYTS, which look to reduce carbon emissions, improve efficiency and deploy low carbon technologies that will consequently improve…
… in the City Region. Wakefield is the location of the Ferrybridge multi-fuel generation plant. In Selby, employment reflects the presence of two major power stations in the district: Drax (coal and biomass) and Eggborough (converting from coal to CCGT since March 2018). Figure 1. Employment in the energy sector in the City Region Existing programmes, funds and strategies Lowering carbon emissions…
… Gross Value Added BECCS Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Storage BEIS Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy BHY Better Homes Yorkshire BRT Bus Rapid Transit CAZ Clean Air Zone CCC Committee on Climate Change CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine CCS Carbon Capture and Storage CCUS Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage CHP Combined Heat and Power CIL Commmunity…
… FIT Feed-in Tariff 4 FTE Full Time Equivalent GDP Gross Domestic Product GHG Greenhouse Gas GIB Green Investment Bank GLA Greater London Authority GVA Gross Value Added KPI Key Performance Indicator LCR Leeds City Region LNCP Low Carbon Neighbourhood Plans LED Light Emitting Diode LEP Local Enterprise Partnership LGV Light Goods Vehicle LIS Local…
… mobility: being a world leader in shaping the future of mobility. • Ageing society: harnessing the power of innovation to help meet the needs of an ageing society. These challenges have strong links with the energy and low-carbon sectors and with economic growth. The Industrial Strategy highlights several ways in which we will need to consider energy in order to build an economy that works…