Including 4 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and reduce carbon.
…; · is guided by the action plan to reduce carbon emissions in order to meet the target for neutrality; and · monitors progress against the strategy and action plan by annual…
… a climate strategy and action plan for Newark & Sherwood District Council in response to the declared climate emergency. The conclusions from the CEWG, working with The Carbon Trust, were that the Council…
…: · defines its carbon footprint based on selected operational data as set out in the strategy; · sets a target date of 2035 for carbon neutrality based on that data…
… (unanimously) that: (a) the Council’s carbon footprint to target be recommended for approval by the Full Council - the footprint is calculated as 2,165 tCO2e – which incorporates selected emissions from scopes 1, 2 and 3 (this footprint does not include emissions from housing (17,130 tCO2e), which have been considered separately…
…); (b) 2035 be recommended to the Full Council as the target date for carbon neutrality (the action plan sets out a series of schemes to support the neutral target – subject to feasibility); (c) a commitment is added to the Capital Project Feasibility Reserve of £40,000; (d) governance of the strategy and action plan, as coordinated by the Environmental Policy and Projects…