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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 5 closely related terms such as reduce, low carbon, and carbon emission.

1 result

Belfast City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the city’s carbon reduction targets, recommends actions to keep the city on track and advises on the assessment of the climate-related risks and adaptation opportunities in the city and on progress towards climate resilience. The Commission aims to foster collaboration on projects that result in measurable contributions towards meeting the city’s climate reduction targets and the delivery…

… only on CO2. Cost-Effective Options • To meet these carbon reduction targets, Belfast will need to adopt low carbon options that close the gap between its projected emissions in future and net-zero emissions. This can be partially realised through cost- effective options that would more than pay for themselves through the energy cost reductions they would generate whilst generating wide…

emissions reduction targets set is significant. We find that across the city, many hundreds of thousands of homes and square-metres of floorspace will require retrofitting and widespread changes will be needed in the travel patterns and the way that people travel. 8 9 10 11 A NET-ZERO CARBON ROADMAP FOR BELFAST EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Next Steps • Belfast needs to adopt a clear and ambitious…

… as longer term targets, it should include five-yearly carbon reduction targets. • The action plan should focus initially on Belfast’s direct (Scope 1 and 2) carbon footprint as these emissions are most directly under the city’s influence, but in time it should also widen its scope to consider its broader (Scope 3) carbon footprint. • The action plan should also set out the ways in which…

… means that we will have used up our global carbon budget within a decade. It is this realisation – and the ever accumulating science on the scale of the impacts of climate change – that led to calls for organisations and areas to declare a climate emergency and to develop and implement plans to rapidly reduce carbon emissions. 13 14 15 A NET-ZERO CARBON ROADMAP FOR BELFAST OUR…


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