Including the closely related terms carbon saving, carbon capture, and carbon.
… in reporting Energy and Renewables Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2025 Medium Sustainably dispose of IT equ ipment where possib le reduce climate impact Energy and Renewables Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2025 Medium Quantify carbon savings from the Counci l's shift to E-billing Energy and Renewables Customer Services 01/02/2027 Medium Review technology and alternative ways of working…
… Community Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2025 emissions aware, to support t he del ivery of the Climate Action Plan and its annual review Medium Research into alternative power sources (solar) for CCTV cameras Community Leisure, Waste and Street Scene 01/02/2027 Medium Explore options for offsetting emissions (natural carbon capture) Nature Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2025…
… ia ls Bui ldings Jobs, Econor,y and Housing 2027 onwards Low Research external bodies and funding opportunit ies to support carbon reduction (e.g Net Zero Enterprise Fund} Community Climate an d Environment 01/02/2024 Low Complete adaptat ion risk registers for each service area Community Climate an d Environment 01/02/2025 Low Enabling Communit ies to deliver climate change…
… _......... --l>fiiUtl ll ,.;"T:mT:J (! tll i°7tillil --1.-t1TITi1 r•::i OOt1 b High Review Counci l assets to establish further opportun ities to improve insulation, energy efficiency and adaptation to reduce their carbon impact Energy and Renewables Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2024 High Develop plan for the Counci l to use 100% renewable energy Energy and Renewables Corporate…
… Update Procurement Rules to ensure new contracts/services minimise negative impact on the Climate All Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2024 Medium Adopt a methodology to report on carbon emissions derived from flexible/home working All Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2024 Medium Implement impact assessments for all key decisions to ensure climate implications are considered All…