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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 7 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and low carbon.

1 result

Torfaen County Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…-change-95-emissions-reduction-target 2 of 21 urgency and purpose by declaring a climate emergency and demonstrating accountability to the next generation. Responding…

… they could help reduce carbon emissions across the borough. We want this to be an on-going conversation as we will all need to work together on this collective challenge. There are no bad ideas, be radical, be challenging and be random! Let's get all our ideas out in the open and see where it takes us! We had suggestions related to trees, generating more energy from renewable sources…

… Services On- going How we work Review our household waste management activities to identify opportunities to reduce carbon emissions. Waste Services March 2023 Community Work with residents, contractors, community groups and the third sector to maximise recycling and increase the opportunity for re- use. Waste Services On- going Community Continue to encourage residents…

… things going forward. This action plan sets out our approach to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and how we will protect and enhance Torfaen’s precious natural resources and the biodiversity they support. We know that both climate change and the nature emergency are of concern to our communities too and we have asked them how we can work together on these collective challenges. The key…

…. Welsh Government has also set their plans for delivering these targets in Prosperity for All: A Low Carbon Wales 2019 3. This includes their ambition for carbon neutral public services by 2030. Carbon neutral means achieving a balance between the amount of emissions produced and the amount stored or offset. If we don’t act now there will be consequences for all of us and Torfaen Council…


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