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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 6 closely related terms such as carbon removal, reduction action, and carbon emission.

1 result

Nottingham City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…% of the City’s energy demand through low and zero carbon sources by 2020. The city’s success stems from the successful implementation of key strategies and through our partnerships with local businesses, universities and other local authorities, enabling many forward- thinking carbon reduction actions to take place. However, the city still emitted 1.17 million tonnes of CO2 in 2017, enough…

… Framework /05 Framework This plan builds on Nottingham 2028 Carbon Neutral Charter by setting out high-level objectives in order to achieve a resilient and carbon neutral Nottingham by 2028. These are broken down into four main sections: Carbon Reduction Measures Carbon Removal Resilience and Adaption Ecology and Biodiversity…

… to be incorporated over time, as well as for learning from previous actions. This flexible approach will allow new partners, collaborators and stakeholders to continually contribute to the plan and its actions. Nottingham’s approach to sustainable carbon neutrality will integrate carbon reduction with sustainability and an ambition to identify and realise multiple benefits, termed co-benefits. Co…

…-benefits are deliberate or incidental positive outcomes across a range of other areas in addition to the central aim of an intervention. An example of a co-benefit is moving towards more active travel to tackle air-quality also has benefits for health from exercise and mental wellbeing, and reducing carbon emissions. Sustainability, economic growth, alleviating poverty and tackling climate…

… of inequality and maximising a range of benefits that improve people’s quality of life. This would make Nottingham a fairer city and society for all. Framework /06 Section 1 – Carbon Reduction This plan prioritises carbon reduction measures to increase the chance of staying within our carbon budget and meeting the 2028 carbon neutral ambition. To do this, emission reduction rates would…


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