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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 4 closely related terms such as low carbon, carbon emission, and carbon.

1 result

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…, partners, and residents with the aim of reducing carbon emissions in the borough. This alliance will share good practice and disseminate information, guidance, and tools amongst members.  Data Collate and share data, including introducing a carbon accounting method, to ensure a transparent and consistent approach to carbon reduction. Measure impact and co-design solutions with communities…

… processes to reduce our carbon emissions and respond to the climate emergency. Demonstration of the possible Provide guidance to empower residents and organisations to take action and become more sustainable. This includes delivering low carbon retrofits and reducing operational energy use.  Collaboration and leadership Establish a climate alliance to work collaboratively across the Council…

… Net Zero Carbon Partnership Action Plan Net Zero Carbon Partnership Action Plan   Our path to a Net Zero Carbon Tower Hamlets   Working together for a better borough Green jobs Create a vibrant, inclusive, and diverse green economy across Tower Hamlets, with local jobs in the green economy. Awareness and engagement   Raise awareness…

…, engage with communities across Tower Hamlets, and influence positive change through boroughwide communications on carbon and the climate emergency.   Together with partners across Tower Hamlets, we are working towards becoming a Net Zero Carbon borough by 2045. Carbon dioxide emissions are a major contributor to the climate emergency. Achieving Net Zero Carbon means eliminating polluting…

…   Encourage supply chains to become more sustainable and work towards net zero carbon goals. 1 4 5 3 6 7 2 …


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