Including 10 closely related terms such as carbon reductions, significant carbon reduction, and reductions.
…:// 2 To deliver the aims of the Action Plan, eight objectives have been identified: 1. Develop and deliver a credible pathway to being carbon neutral by 2030 in our estate and operations. 2. Deliver significant carbon reductions through developing and implementing an energy strategy…
…. Indeed, not all actions in this Plan will be deliverable and the key actions will need to be prioritised to deliver carbon emission reductions efficiently and effectively. Defining actions The Action Plan is separated into the following six key areas, although it is noted that there is a degree of overlap: • Energy • Transport • Environment • Behavioural change • Operations…
…. Within existing budgets Indirect Medium term Low B10 Investigate the potential for a local award for businesses that demonstrate excellence in reducing carbon emissions or achieve net zero. Likely to require additional funding Indirect Medium term Low B11 Investigate potential opportunities to partner with universities for local research and innovation. Within existing budgets…
… Ongoing High O2 Embed carbon reduction objectives into all decision- making processes in the Council, ensuring that the Council’s supply chains are minimising carbon emissions. Likely to require additional funding Indirect Ongoing High O3 Educate, train and encourage internal procurers and commissioners to review their consumption of goods and services, reduce usage and adopt more…
… or reusable plastic packaging. Will require additional funding Indirect Medium term High O5 Consider how internal budgets are used effectively to value and support work on carbon reductions and identify appropriate ways to support and incentivise internal carbon reduction/offsetting projects Within existing budgets Indirect Ongoing High O6 Carry out departmental Climate Change risk…