Including 10 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and reduced carbon emissions.
… by the end of the Plan period. The Council then devised a new Carbon Management Plan with a carbon reduction target of 12% by end 2016/17 using a baseline of 2011/12. The plan sought to reduce carbon emissions from the following sources: • Energy use in buildings • Energy use for street lighting • Fuel use for fleet transport • Business travel miles • Water use in buildings • Municipal waste…
… of 4,221 tonnes of carbon. • Reduced the total amount of waste sent to landfill by 18,574 tonnes. • Reduced carbon emissions from energy use in buildings by 25.4%, the equivalent of 3,499 tonnes of carbon. • Reduced electricity consumption from street lighting by 17%, over 900,000 kWh of electricity. 1.3 Implementation of previous Carbon Management Plans In attempting to achieve the carbon reduction…
… the Climate Change Plan 12 Appendix 13 2 CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN 2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Council’s original Carbon Management Plan (2007) set a target to reduce carbon emissions from the Council’s operations by 15% by the end of financial year 2012/13, using financial year 2007/08 emissions as a baseline. This target was surpassed a year early in 2011/12, with a reduction of 15.9% achieved…
… role to play in the implementation of the Climate Change Plan. The Council’s original Carbon Management Plan was a step towards the Council meeting its objectives under the Scottish Climate Change Declaration 2007. It set a target to reduce carbon emissions by 15% by end of financial year 2012/13 from a 2007/08 baseline, which was surpassed in 2012. At this time, a revised Carbon Management Plan…
… CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN 2018 Performances in terms of the individual sources of carbon from the baseline 2007/08 to 2016/17 are given in the following table: Table A.3: Inverclyde Council carbon performance from baseline 2007/08 to 2016/17 (iii) Annual carbon reduction performance The following table gives the Council’s carbon emissions for each year since the baseline 2007/08 to 2016/17: Table A.4…