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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 8 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and low carbon.

1 result

Isles of Scilly

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… will be low carbon contributing towards our net zero carbon ambition, whilst also helping reduce carbon emissions from wider construction and development projects across the islands. 16 The Local Plan will also shape new and existing development to support the islands’ resilience to a changing climate and to tackle climate change locally. Image: Council of the Isles of Scilly Moving…

… capturing carbon from the atmosphere and locking it away. Climate change adaptation works in tandem with climate change mitigation measures. Although reducing carbon emissions is important, it will take many decades for emission reductions to reverse climate changes to which we’re already committed. This is why we need to adapt to the inevitable physical impacts of climate change such as sea…

… the Business Energy Efficiency Scheme (BEES). The scheme was funded by the Central Government Growth Deal to the value of £390,596 and administered by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership. The scheme cross the islands through match funding for capital projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions, generating renewable energy and improving energy efficiency. 15 The projects…

… have delivered an increase in renewable energy generation capacity by 194kw (97% of the target) across the islands and reduced carbon emissions by 221,418kg over three years. The program has contributed to change in behaviour and attitude towards renewable energy production on the islands and will continue to monitor and collate successes from local businesses and to seek further funding…

… collaborative working. In order to achieve this, it needs to be a joint effort. The resource implications are not insignificant. The costs associated with the delivery of these actions will continue to be an evolving process as our planning continues and as we work with our partners and stakeholders to identify carbon reduction projects and funding opportunities, grants, and government funded…


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