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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including the closely related terms reduce, carbon emission, and carbon.

1 result

Derbyshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Lead: Environmental Sustainability Group Other: Policy and Research Division Departmental Service Plans to include a commitment to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Medium March 2012 Officer time Completed Lead: Environmental Sustainability Group Other: Policy and Research Division Provide assistance to departments to consider the impacts…

…. The Committee on Climate Change will provide advice on the role that Councils have in delivering national carbon budgets, identifying and quantifying where Councils can make the biggest difference. Through Climate Local, Councils can declare their support and set self-imposed carbon reduction targets and goals The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) was created in June 2009 under the Climate Change Act…

… the defunct NI 188 as guidance. In 2001 Derbyshire County Council became a signatory to the Nottingham Declaration8. The Declaration commits the Authority to reduce its carbon emissions, support Derbyshire communities to address the causes of climate change and become more resilient to its potential impacts. The Nottingham Declaration is set to be replaced by the new Climate Local Commitment…

… to buildings Increased inspection and maintenance leading to increasing costs Corporate Property Medium High Appendix 2 – IPPC graph indicating future global warming based on various carbon emissions scenarios Adaptation Cabinet Report Jan 2013 Derbyshire County Council Adaptation Action Plan Jan 2013 doc (2) …


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