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Search results for "carbon offset"

Including the closely related terms offsetting, and offset scheme.

1 result

North Norfolk District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… find on average over 540 tonnes every year of carbon reductions. If it turns out that Net Zero cannot be fully achieved by 2030 by direct emissions reduction, we will invest in local nature-based solutions such as carbon offset schemes that deliver co-benefitsiii. However, a condition of this approach is that any such investment wherever possible must be in schemes within the district and which…

… The Council is committing to target Net Zero emissions in its own operations by 2030, twenty years ahead of the national target. Where we are faced with residual emissions from our activities we will invest in carbon offsetting schemes and other nature-based solutions - wherever possible within the district - that benefit our residents and businesses. 2.2 Supporting Net Zero across North Norfolk Local…

… provide benefits to residents in North Norfolk. Our commitments about reducing the Council’s own emissions and meeting the Net Zero 2030 target are shown at Box 6. Box 5: What is a “carbon offset?” A carbon offset is a reduction in emissions made to compensate for emissions arising from the Council estate. There are a range of offsetting carbon options, including zero carbon electricity…

… Strategy Not applicable Adopt carbon offsetting policy and review biodiversity net gain measures To be determined Identify priority sites for additional renewables Identify priority sites for wave 2 EV chargers Update carbon footprint for 2021/22 and 2022/23 Review all leases and third-party contracts 22 4.1 Electricity procurement 4.1.1 Current emissions Electricity…


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