Including the closely related terms carbon offsetting, offsetting, and significant carbon.
… on climate change issues and responsibilities. We will implement carbon offsetting schemes on our Nature Reserves, Wetlands and other suitable open space. This includes a programme of woodland creation/tree planting and Nature Recovery Corridors. December 2021 CP Use our green and open spaces to carbon offset our reduced carbon footprint. Objective 7 EDDC will continue to provide…
… spaces having regard to climate change impacts. Progress plans for the Clyst Valley Regional Park as an opportunity for significant carbon offsetting in terms of tree planting. In the past 12 months 2,800 tress have been planted at Mosshayne and Bishops Court with 500 more planned at Cranbrook. April 2022 AW A demonstration tree planting project at scale contributing towards carbon…
…, and enhance energy security. 2025 AW Supporting a large infrastructure project which is due to be commenced in 2021 and completed in 2025. Utilise our Nature Reserves and green space for carbon offsetting projects, including tree planting and other carbon sinks. December 2019 CP Explore opportunities for carbon offsetting to enable us to achieve our carbon neutral goal. Revenue £100k…
… and reduce coastal erosion. December 2020 JG Develop an approach that provides for carbon offsetting and carbon sinks. EDDC CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN 2020 – 2040 (Ten Point Plan v7) ADAPTATION Objective 10 EDDC will consider the effects of climate change on policy…
… offsetting in the district.…