Including the closely related terms carbon offsetting, and offsetting.
… their potential. Newer builds are carbon positive exporting power to the grid or local area. Families and businesses are benefitting from efficient, healthy buildings that are cost effective to operate. …A 2030 VISION for BUILT ENVIRONMENT Built environment | 2030 Stretch Goals SG 1 To have sustainable construction principles and a net-zero requirement shaping new developments in the district SG 2…
… Develop a carbon offsetting fund to deal with the residual emissions developers cannot tackle and invest this into 2030 Strategy Projects. As we achieve our carbon neutral goals the funding for projects like this will be reviewed on the basis of the needs identified for the forthcoming period. An ambition as great as CN2030 will require significant financing these are some of the ways…
… emissions; Issue Supplementary Guidance on Energy Efficiency Measures in Listed Buildings. We will require all new development to achieve a zero carbon/carbon positive standard in terms of regulated emissions Our Draft Local Plan requires all new development to achieve a minimum overall 35% reduction in emissions over Part L Building Regulations; a 10-15% reduction in emissions through fabric…
… energy efficiency; and residual emissions offset through payment to a SDC carbon offsetting fund. Local Planning regulations and planned development standards BE7 Homes Improve and maintain provision of bespoke advice and technical services support to households and specialist services to the vulnerable. Seek partnerships with providers of services that encourage the same in the ‘able…
… and maintained for ecological protection and enhancement. Strategy and Action Plan in place; progress to identified targets. NE8 Funding for Nature Linked to BE5 Explore Carbon Offset and Biodiversity Net Gain projects that may be funded through commercial investors to offset their impacts. Develop partnership and secure land for a pilot project. Expand schemes on basis of pilot Offset…