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Search results for "carbon offset"

Including the closely related terms offsetting, carbon emission, and carbon dioxide.

1 result

Sevenoaks District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the District A Development Plan Policy - Require the installation of electric vehicle charging points in all new developments, both residential and non-residential Making the Best Use of Green Spaces Carbon emission offsetting through new planting including planting new trees (Ongoing) Improve areas for biodiversity and create new habitats (Ongoing) Natural flood management (Ongoing…

… the environmental aspects of Sevenoaks District Councils Council and Development Plans (Ongoing) Explore opportunities to invest in clean growth such as a local Net Zero Bank to finance energy efficiency and carbon reduction (Medium Term) Where everything possible has been done to achieve zero carbon but there is still a shortfall, take action through offsetting carbon dioxide emissions where…

carbon measures across the District through education, best practice, incentives, policy and opportunities. This includes working collaboratively with Kent County Council, Parish and Town Councils, Local Interest Group and the Local Government Association. Report of: Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Officer – Planning & Regulatory Services Status: For Decision Also considered…

… necessary, and explore a Carbon Offset Fund to finance this (Medium/Long Term) Officers to consider how SDC plans and strategies can take account of Climate Change and contribute to the Net Zero 2030 work SMT to embed actions in the Net Zero report in their teams where they apply to their service areas Include consideration of Net Zero 2030 in committee reports and decisions…


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