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Search results for "carbon offset"

Including the closely related terms carbon baseline, carbon approach, and carbon approach.

1 result

Cannock Chase District Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)

… notes the Council’s Carbon baseline headline starting point as set out in Appendix 1. 2.5 That Cabinet request from Full Council a supplementary estimate of £10,000 in 2019/20 to recruit additional external capacity to develop a more detailed baseline and draft 10 year Action Plan. In addition Cabinet approve the inclusion of £40,000 in the 2020/21 financial year to conclude this work…

… by 2030 and this will an issue considered further in strategic documents such as the emerging Economic Prosperity Strategy. ITEM NO. 6.5 Carbon Baseline 5.6 It is important that the Council understands its starting point in committing to a vision of carbon neutrality by 2030. This sets out the scale of what the Council needs to address by 2030. 5.7 The most up to date…

… footprint as a minimum and this will entail examining and assessing every Council activity and service which is a significant undertaking. Further, additional capacity will be required to change the Councils approach to a zero carbon approach as well as expanding community energy initiatives. Resource requirements will be identified in the Action Plan for this. 5.18 The Council has an ambitious…

… expertise to deliver three key actions and then report back to Cabinet: (a) A detailed carbon baseline for the District (b) Setting up and managing the outcomes from a Citizens Assembly (c) Development of a costed 10 year Action Plan taking into account the recommendations from the Citizens Assembly. An officer Working Group chaired by the Managing Director will co-ordinate the delivery…


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