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Search results for "carbon offset"

Including the closely related terms carbon offsetting, and offsetting.

1 result

St Albans City and District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… and Climate Crisis Acton Plan Page 22 Reduce energy consumption from new and existing buildings and increase renewable energy generation 7. Develop Planning Policy requiring high standards of sustainable construction, resource efficiency, on-site renewable or low carbon energy generation (2.15) 8. Explore financial and other ways to secure carbon offsetting measures in major developments…

… Change 8 Carbon Offsetting 10 Capturing Carbon through the Regeneration of Nature 11 Corporate Emissions - Where we are as a Council 12 Community Emissions - Where we are as a District 16 Climate Crisis Action Plan: Phase 1 Priority Actions 21 Key Sustainability Themes 20 Theme 1: Governance and Leadership 23 Theme 2: Energy Use 24 Theme 3: Transport and Air Quality 27 Theme 4: Waste 31…

…-accelerating-green-finance-report.pdf Page 10 Carbon Offsetting Carbon offsetting allows individuals and organisations to compensate for any emissions they cannot avoid or reduce, by paying for an equivalent amount of emissions to be removed elsewhere. Emissions savings projects…


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