… to adaptation. Journey so far In 2019, we began developing this plan as part of the council-wide Bridging the Gap programme, which develops new approaches to delivering our services in response to the financial challenges we face over the next five years. Following a workshop with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) to explore how they assessed their carbon footprint through the Carbon Positive…
… of climate emissions which we have limited ability to impact, but also identifies areas where local action has a key role in reducing emissions. https://naturalresources.wales/about-us/corporate-information/carbon-positive-project/?lang=en https://naturalresources.wales/about-us/corporate-information/carbon-positive-project/?lang=en 5 2. Collaboration…
… was calculated following the example of NRW’s Carbon Positive project, which was commissioned by Welsh Government to explore how the Welsh public sector could measure its carbon footprint. The project is based on the internationally recognised GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Protocol Corporate Standard. This approach divides an organisation’s emissions into three scopes and a number of sub-categories…