Including the closely related terms carbon offsetting, offset carbon, and offsetting.
… creates habitat for animals, birds and insects, and valuable leisure amenity for people. The solution is not to offset carbon To achieve the global reduction in greenhouse gas emissions required to limit global temperature rises to 1.5˚C, it is not enough to simply offset emissions of one area by reducing them somewhere else. Where it is possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions locally…
… or nationally this must be done. Carbon offsetting, done well, can play an important short term role by funding land restoration, tree planting, energy efficiency measures and additional renewable energy capacity. However the focus should be on eliminating reliance on fossil fuels and reducing emissions in the first place. Carbon Capture and Storage may also have a place for mopping up…
… bills Reduced energy demand Cheaper energy Improved health Carbon offsetting can be used to accelerate carbon reductions beyond the Council’s control (e.g. social housing) Residual emissions from hard to treat sectors offset by carbon sinks 205020252019 CO2 13| LBTH Net Zero Carbon | March 20 | Rev A LBTH Net Zero Carbon Plan Becoming a Zero Carbon Council…