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Belfast City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… targets for carbon reduction, we then calculate the annual percentage reductions from the current level that are required to enable an area to stay within its overall carbon budget. (d). Identifying and Evaluating Carbon Reduction Opportunities Our analysis then includes assessment of the potential contribution of approximately 130 energy saving or low carbon measures for: • Households…

… listed above. As it is unlikely that adopting all of the cost-effective or even technically viable options will enable an area to reach net-zero emissions, we also highlight the need for a fourth group of measures: • Innovative or “stretch” options that include low-carbon measures that are not yet widely adopted. Some of the options within this group may well be cost- and carbon-effective…

… and annual energy expenditure reductions, and (3) a simplified table of the most cost-effective low carbon measures applied in each sector across Belfast. (a). Domestic Housing Figure 9: Housing BAU Baseline with Cost-Effective, Cost-Neutral and Technical Potential Scenarios Table 8: Housing Emissions Reductions, Expenditure Savings and Investment Levels Table 9: The Most Cost-Effective Measures…


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