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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 8 closely related terms such as reduce carbon, carbon reduction, and carbon development.

1 result

London Borough of Croydon

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Croydon has high a high proportion of properties with poor energy effciency standards, meaning there is great potential to reduce carbon emissions from this sector. A detailed analysis of energy effciency installations since 2005 and potential measures to 2015 has been carried out. So far partners within the ECCP have enabled a saving of 6.13Kt/CO2/yr as a result of cavity wall, loft and top up loft…

… centre benefts from regeneration while local character is preserved. There will be sustained investment in core infrastructure to enable this growth while also helping to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. But sustainability is not just about development. Residents and businesses will also be inspired to take greater pride in their environment and to take…

… and developing travel plans to reduce their carbon footprint. • The carbon reduction targets have been worked out based on the potential for CO2 reduction and the council’s requirements to contribute to national CO2 reduction targets. The 34% reduction target for 2020 as defned in the Carbon Budget Order (2009) and the Mayor of London’s 60% target for 2025 have been recognised. We have taken…

… the borough will contribute considerably to CO2 reduction. • The objective is to ensure development and regeneration activity within the borough supports the achievement of our priorities and LAA targets, for example by requiring low carbon developments. • Our targets are ambitious but the benefts are many. Action will not only ensure carbon reduction targets are met and the catastrophic effects…

… to reduce carbon emissions to tackle climate change and the results that are being achieved, the more confdence they will have in the value of playing their own part. The audiences the ECCP seeks to target are very diverse, as listed below. It is important to recognise this diversity and that the motivations for taking action are likely to be different for different population groups. Some groups…


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