Including 9 closely related terms such as reduce carbon, low carbon, and carbon plan.
…. Corporate Priorities CE declaration embedded into corporate priorities. Facilitation of Publica wide CE network Working, joining up with other LA/Public sector across the county Low Carbon planning policy Working with Planning Policy groups to Re-launch CSP.3 (looking to require higher carbon efficient homes than current building regulations) supplementary planning document. Exploring…
… opportunities for Local Plan to reduce carbon emissions in new homes. Climate Change Risk Assessment Reviewing council owned built and land assets for vulnerability to impacts of climate change. Electric vehicle charging Investigating options for installing electric vehicle charging points in council owned car-parks. District carbon audit Review of district wide carbon emissions (2005 – 2017…
… wide activity. The group shall assist in supporting the delivery of the Council CE Rapid Action Plan or any subsequent Cabinet approved plan/strategy. Key areas of work Climate Change, Carbon Emissions, Energy, Waste, Landscape, Biodiversity and Sustainability Membership The membership of the support group will include:- a) The Cabinet Portfolio Holder b) Each political…
… and foundation stage in to the first phase of priority activity in 2020/21. II. To develop a longer term action plan. 3. Size of the challenge 3.1. There has been some good progress at a national level in reducing the carbon emissions from energy and transport as well as FoDDC in reducing its carbon footprint. However to meet the challenge of the Climate Emergency there needs to be step change…
… in activity to meet net zero carbon emissions by 2030. A ‘business as usual’ approach will not enable us to keep below 1.5°C global temperate rise. 3.2. In terms of considering emissions, carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas responsible for climate change. However, for ease of reporting, all greenhouse gas emissions are normally expressed as metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent…