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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 5 closely related terms such as achieve carbon, carbon sequestration, and achieve carbon.

1 result

Forest of Dean District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… with improved health and wellbeing. Natural environment The district is well placed to champion rural decarbonisation. As a largely rural district, we have huge carbon sequestration potential with 21% of the district being public forest estate and potential for sustainable farming and land management practices to be implemented that help counter both the climate and ecological crises…

… (and the District) carbon neutral by 2030. The strategy sets out how we can secure a low carbon future for our District, and the urgent steps we will take to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Most of us will have seen footage of recent extreme weather events affecting the planet, with many of these events made worse by climate change. Our district is not immune to the impacts of climate change…

…/ Forest of Dean District Council Page 5 of 68 18 January 2023  Due to its rural setting; the opportunity to lead and champion ecological farming and land management practices that increase both biodiversity and carbon sequestration.  The potential for investment on a grand scale to aid the economic recovery from…

… and facilitate the development of local low carbon skills.  Explore ways to reduce emissions from waste and encourage a circular economy. The subsequent action plan details 60 actions the Council plans to take between 2022 and 2025, as well as 18 suggested actions for the climate emergency community partnership (Forest of Dean Climate Action), in order to help achieve carbon neutrality by 2030…

… in terms of their carbon dioxide equivalence) are equal to zero, i.e. reducing emissions as much as possible and then offsetting, via carbon sequestration, those that cannot be eliminated. Offsetting is reserved for mitigating the most stubborn of emissions, with the priority being eliminating emissions wherever possible. Carbon sequestration – the capture and storage of atmospheric CO2…


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