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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 9 closely related terms such as achieve carbon, carbon reductions, and carbon reduction.

1 result

Chorley Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… or country can also achieve carbon neutrality by means of carbon offsetting. Carbon offsetting A way of compensating for emissions of CO² by participating in, or funding, efforts to take CO² out of the atmosphere. Offsetting often involves paying another party, somewhere else, to save emissions equivalent to those produced by your activity. Carbon sequestration the process of storing carbon

… and heatwaves as well as rises in global temperatures and sea level rise and take steps to reduce the carbon we produce. What is Net Zero? Being a net zero Borough means that there will be a flat balance between the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere and the amount of carbon removed. This needs a joined up effort from across a number of areas of our lives and the businesses we have in our…

… Borough and includes transport, energy, and waste. There are also many ways we can use nature to deliver carbon reductions and build our resilience to changes in the environment, such as natural flood defences and helping biodiversity to thrive. What is Our Carbon Footprint in Chorley? Carbon footprints have been calculated for both Council assets and the Borough as a whole (for further…

… and the environmental impacts and the forecast for carbon budget expenditure and progress against national and global targets and commitments. The Council’s Climate Change Programme is supported nationally through different legislation and national strategies including: • A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment • The Clean Growth Strategy • The Clean Air Strategy • The Ten Point Plan…

… Strategy (2012), The Chorley Clean Air Strategy (2021), Emergency Tree Action Plan (2021) and the Douglas Catchment Partnership Management Plan (2019). Our Strategic Objectives for Climate Change Radical changes are needed to address climate change and Chorley Council recognise that we are facing two unprecedented challenges: • We must dramatically reduce our carbon emissions • We must prepare…


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