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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 6 closely related terms such as reduce carbon, carbon reduction, and reduce carbon.

1 result

Uttlesford District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and evolving document that will be used to track and measure progress against the actions contained within. In many cases projects will require further development and assessment to ensure that they will deliver meaningful and measurable contributions to our overall aim of achieving net- zero carbon status by 2030. We are focussing on a strategy of actively exploring ways to reduce carbon emissions

… communities, partners and Government to do things differently; - To improve and protect biodiversity. To that end we monitor two sets of Government published data at local authority level. One set shows all carbon emissions and the other shows only those within the scope of local authorities’ ability to make a difference. The two highest emitting sectors (in both data sets) are transport…

…. As a nation we have an overriding requirement to reduce CO2 output. At the same time we need to improve our ability to withstand and adapt to those aspects of climate change that will inevitably occur. The headline topic is carbon reduction but climate change is inextricably linked to our natural environment. We therefore have a parallel task to protect and enhance biodiversity and to allow ecosystems…

… therefore be considered ‘dynamic’ and subject to change. Transport overview Transport is the single highest category of CO2e emissions (carbon dioxide equivalent, a term for describing different greenhouse gases in a common unit). This graph shows the carbon emissions within Uttlesford since 2005 which are within scope of local authorities. This excludes the M11. Transport on A roads…

… RECOVERY NETWORKS 10 Mapping output from public engagement exercise. 11 Part 2 - Climate change actions Action 01 | March 2022 | Transport emissions | Uttlesford’s own vehicles Project owner UDC Initiative By March 2022, Create a Fleet Decarbonisation Plan that maps the transition of our own fleet to low or zero emission by 2030 including detailing carbon savings. Cost…


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