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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 7 closely related terms such as achieve carbon, carbon reductions, and carbon reduction.

1 result

East Renfrewshire Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… areas: • Carbon reduction measures- for example taking action to reduce the volume of carbon we produce from transport, the built environment, waste, consumption and the types of energy we use. • Carbon off-setting measures- for example using nature to take carbon from the atmosphere and store it, e.g. extensive tree-planting and diversifying amenity grass areas to meadows and woodlands…

… deliver on the carbon reduction target could include:  Better energy management.  Reduction of our property assets (operational buildings make significant contributions to carbon emissions);  Reduction in business and commuter travel mileage through increased use of digital technology and agile and home-working; and  Consideration of innovative approaches to fleet management e.g…

… Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2015-18, which will allow the Council to align activities with the national policy agenda on climate change and meet likely future requirements around carbon and greenhouse gas emission reporting. 33. The new strategy will establish baseline carbon emissions (and other greenhouse gas emissions) and set a target to achieve carbon neutrality no later than 2040…

… that the appendix is not an easy report to read but the submission uses an online portal which is used by all 32 local authorities and 118 other public bodies who have to report their carbon emissions. This produces a standard report which cannot be altered. 5. The 2018/19 report demonstrates that good progress is being made in terms of carbon reduction. 6. Overall, the Council has shown a further…

… of the increasing importance of achieving carbon reductions and the Scottish Government’s target for the country to be carbon neutral by 2040, the Council needs to achieve significantly more carbon reductions and to achieve these more quickly. That will be taken forward through the preparation of a Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan which is the subject of a separate report on this agenda…


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