Including 11 closely related terms such as manage, management, and reduce carbon.
… to the 40:20 target. The 2020 Annual Carbon Report shows that, as a borough, we have helped reduce carbon emissions from the borough by 36.7% and Haringey is on target in meeting the 40% reduction by 2020 (also known as 40:20 target) from our 2005 baseline. Our historic success in reducing emissions in the borough is due to our proactive working with…
… energy and to encourage and facilitate the reduction in carbon emissions and waste by households, businesses and community buildings. The enterprise has grown and delivered significant carbon reduction since its creation. En10ergy works with local households, businesses and schools, and has also been involved in negotiating bulk deals with energy suppliers. With 140 investors, of whom most live…
… with the ‘Climate Action Haringey: Towards a Zero-Carbon Future’ Final Report, which was finalised in November 2019. The Haringey Climate Change Action Plan is structured as follows: Æ The six focus areas on reducing carbon emissions for the Climate Change Action Plan: • Council; • Housing; • Workplaces; • Transport; • Energy; • Community. Æ Specific sections on Delivering the Ambition: • Governance…
… and operations. In 2008 we undertook our first Carbon Reduction Plan and since then we have reduced our emissions by 36% compared to 2005 levels1. The 2008 Plan set out a strategic and planned approach to reducing carbon emissions from our estate and operations. The Plan targeted the areas of the Council’s activity which contributed most to our carbon emissions (e.g., swimming pools and leisure…
… / Carbon Management / Procurement The Pension Fund has over 50% of its equity investment in low carbon investment fund at the moment and plans are in place to increase this to 100% of equity investments in low carbon strategies in 2021. Low carbon investments reduce the fund exposure to carbon emissions. Promote vegetarian and vegan foods through meals procurement and cafes that the Council…