Including 7 closely related terms such as carbon reduction, significant carbon, and carbon emission.
… and is investing heavily in low carbon initiatives, such as the pioneering Core 364 project in Roker. Our pledge to reduce carbon emissions in the city sits alongside our ongoing commitment to minimise fuel poverty across our tenants and the city- wide partnership approach to the Low Carbon Framework is key to the anchor organisations in Sunderland achieving shared goals.” Ken Bremner, Chief…
… Carbon Framework is a call to action. We are calling on you, as people who live, work, visit and invest in Sunderland, to join with us on this exciting decade of transformation. This Framework gives the city clear focus and direction in our quest for significant carbon reduction and provides the strategy within which we can each take responsibility and work together. This Framework has…
… energy sources and electric vehicles. Working closely with our partners and stakeholders we can deliver more sustainable reductions in our carbon emissions and fully embrace our role as a responsible employer. We very much welcome and support a city-wide approach to carbon reduction through the Low Carbon Framework and the opportunity to work together and share experiences across…
… equipment, furniture, construction materials, many of which are produced outside of the city. Sunderland Low Carbon Framework December 2020 Page 17 Carbon reduction targets, commitment and vision To meet the Paris Agreement objective there is a limited amount of CO2 we can emit globally. Climate change scientists refer to this as the global ‘carbon budget’. A carbon budget…
… that would increase the risk of global temperatures reaching dangerous levels. Sunderland must abide by its carbon budget and ensure that its emissions fall Sunderland Low Carbon Framework December 2020 Page 19 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2005 2010 2015 2017 Industry and commercial Domestic Transport Sunderland carbon emissions breakdown by source (per thousand tonnes…