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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 5 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon future, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, but also more widely through working with partners and other agencies to influence mitigation and positive change. We recognise our pivotal role to act as an advocate to all sectors of our com- munities, in promoting sustainable policies to deliver a reduction in carbon emissions across the Borough. A motion adopted by full Council in July 2019 sets out the “aspiration for Ton- bridge and Malling…

… through a cli- mate change action plan. This will be updated annually and actions and pro- gress will be reported and published on our website each year. The targets within the action plan will help us move towards a low carbon future, improve our resilience to the effects of a changing climate as well as capturing the opportunities and benefits of transitioning to a low carbon future. Climate…

… Council 2 D ig it al S e rv ic e P ri o ri ti e s Setting Climate Commitments for Tonbridge and Malling The Tyndall Centre for Climate Research has carried out an analysis of the UK’s carbon budget for delivering the Paris Agreement’s commitment to staying…

… “well below 2°C and pursuing 1.5°C global temperature rise”. Based on their assessment, they recommend that the borough of Ton- bridge and Malling stay within a maximum cumulative carbon dioxide emissions budget of 6.4 million tonnes (MtCO2) between 2020 and 2100. Based on 2017 carbon dioxide emissions, Tonbridge and Malling would use the entire budget by 2027. Staying within the carbon budget

… will only be possible if Tonbridge and Malling rapidly transition away from fossil fuel use. There will be signifi- cant challenges ahead, which we will need to confront in order to make a difference. Figure 1 below shows the total carbon emissions by sector for Tonbridge and Malling (BEIS, 2019). Lo ca l d at a 3 Figure 2 (above) shows…


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