Including 7 closely related terms such as reduce carbon, carbon report, and reduce carbon.
… emissions and waste (Please note: calculation currently unknown for construction materials but likely to be significant) √ – √ MITIGATION: Waste management Waste Disposal Review disposal and treatment mechanisms for waste to identify solutions and their implementation that reduce carbon emissions, support circular economy principles and reduce plastic pollution, in line with the contract…
… on climate change, carbon footprint, adaptation and the environment to build awareness and the important role of procurement supporting change √ √ √ Update procurement guidance and standard contractual terms to include climate change impacts, mandatory carbon reporting and reporting environmental net gain √ √ √ Monitor compliance for climate change and carbon reporting for all new contracts…
… Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Authority Partners to develop local growth plans that include policies to reduce carbon emissions in line with agreed government and local targets, incorporate adaptive measures to the changing climate and deliver positive environmental and biodiversity net gain for green spaces. biodiversity metric established and being used by 2023 √ √ √ Work with National…
… and technologies coming forward through new government plans and strategies. √ √ Collaborate with the Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority on the carbon footprint of transport policy measures to reduce carbon emissions, improve climate change adaptation requirements for transport infrastructure, reduce air and other pollutants by 2050. √ √ √ Reducing air pollution through more walking and cycling…
…, NATURAL CAPITAL: Peatland Commercial and Industrial Work with Agritech businesses, the Council's rural estate tenants, Cambridgeshire Acre, National Trust and other partners to establish Cambridgeshire as an international model for peatland management to reduce carbon emissions, enhance biodiversity and new economic compensation models . See section 03, line 47 √ – √ Building on work…