Including 4 closely related terms such as carbon accounting, carbon emission, and carbon emissions.
…. Purpose: Area wide engagement and action on Climate Emergency and nature recovery IMPLEMENT ENABLE – a low carbon South Gloucestershire with our programmes, policies and decisions Emissions reduction - To engage in further work to reduce Scope 3 emissions that the council has influence over working with local government carbon accounting team. Purpose: To continue to increase the requirements…
… the carbon neutral target. Purpose: Further analysis required to inform Years 2-10 plan. DEVELOP Climate Emergency Training - We will continue to deliver staff and members with climate change and carbon emissions, adaptation and resilience and nature and ecology training that improves carbon literacy and integrate these principles into staff and member induction and handbook. Purpose: To upskill…
… staff and members in climate emergency principles and aims. IMPLEMENT 3 Funding - Launch Green South Gloucestershire Fund – carbon offsetting and investment in nature. Purpose: To provide longer term funding for Climate Emergency project delivery. IMPLEMENT INSPIRE – business and residents to take climate action themselves Skills and Jobs - We will work with WECA to support…
… green recovery skills training and job creation. Purpose: To ensure the area has the skills and training available so that the workforce that can take up the jobs that will be created due to the Climate Emergency and to deliver nature’s recovery. IMPLEMENT Climate Emergency Training - We will deliver/facilitate the delivery of climate change and carbon emissions, adaptation and resilience…
…. IMPLEMENT Existing building retrofit - Retrofit council owned buildings which account for two thirds of the council’s total carbon emissions. Based on the outcomes of the Year 1 analysis work. Out of the 117 schools the council runs there is an existing programme of work which includes LED and energy efficiency works. Year 2 devise and implement expanded retrofit and renewables programme on council…