Including 9 closely related terms such as management, manage, and carbon reduction.
… sources with a high carbon footprint for low carbon options; and finally • Fourth, compensating for those remaining emissions which cannot be avoided or reduced. WHAT DOES NET ZERO MEAN? CARBON MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY Net Zero (also referred to as 'carbon neutrality') refers to balancing city-wide carbon emissions with carbon reduction and removal activities. What do we mean by ‘balance’? Net…
…, the world is on track to overshoot the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C limit before 2050. The Climate Change Act 2008 commits the UK to reduce net carbon emissions to zero by 2050, and to five-yearly carbon budgets between now and then. The consequences of global temperature rising above 1.5°C are so severe that preventing this from happening must be a shared global priority. NEWCASTLE’S COMMITMENT…
… management hierarchy of emission management will be implemented, as set out below. The Carbon Management Hierarchy directs our city to prioritise those actions which have the greatest impact by: • First, avoiding activities that are carbon-intensive and hence generate high emissions; then • Second, reducing carbon-intensive activities wherever possible; then • Third, substituting those energy…
… and included by challenging social inequality. Newcastle's Emissions Inventory provides details of our city-wide emissions inventory. Part Three sets out our intended approach and measures to reduce and remove carbon emissions, and Part Four details the estimated delivery timeline. Carbon emissions Carbon reduction and removal Example of carbon emissions: Emissions resulting from gas…
… to init iate shor t term actions to del iver effec t ive change in the shor t , medium and long term. Despite the devastat ing impacts of Covid-19, the city’s determination and cross-par ty commitment to achieving Net Zero status by 2030 remains undiminished. I bel ieve that the cris is that we are facing now must , and wil l be, a pivotal moment in our transit ion to a low carbon future. We…