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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 10 closely related terms such as management carbon, manage, and management.

1 result

Shropshire Council - Unitary

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…: ................................................................................................................... 11 Carbon Capture & Storage: ..................................................................................... 12 5 Carbon Budget ........................................................................................................... 12 6 Carbon Reduction Trajectory .................................................................................. 12 7. Implementation…

…: ............................................................................................................. 8 Prioritise Actions: ......................................................................................................... 8 4 Corporate Carbon Management Strategy ............................................................. 10 Power Down: .............................................................................................................. 10 Power Up…

…, we are facing a climate emergency and urgent action is therefore required. This is a fast-moving area of work and information about climate change, carbon performance and management technologies are changing all the time. In these circumstances it is not proposed to hold a formal consultation process on the Strategy, but instead to treat the corporate Strategy as a ‘live’ document and issue…

…^ -22,730 CR Land management Carbon capture and storage^ -2,000 TOTAL Corporate Carbon FP 51,409 * Calculated from annual spending using a standard DEFRA co-efficient ^CR (carbon credits) recognises that some services consume more carbon than they generate Exclusions 2.3 The following datasets have been excluded: 1. Third party buildings: (Leisure services, school academy trusts and PFI…

… (see Table 1 above). In particular, the waste management contract operated by Veolia generates a Shropshire Council Corporate Climate Strategy 2020 8 February 2021 6 net carbon saving of around 23,000 tonnes mainly because of the high levels of recycling in the county. The Council’s current carbon footprint is also offset to some extent through carbon capture and storage on land…


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