Including 8 closely related terms such as reduce carbon, carbon reduction, and reduce carbon.
… Greenhouse gas emissions by source sector 2 As Figure 1 shows, the emissions the public sector is directly responsible for makes up 2% of the UK’s total emissions. MVDC will therefore work with others to lobby government for early adoption of and funding for ambitious carbon emissions reduction measures. This Strategy focuses on reducing carbon emissions from the Council’s estate…
… and a sustainable future. Action to reduce carbon emissions will also support MVDC’s strategic priorities, including to improve community wellbeing, protecting and enhancing the environment, sustainable development, air quality and prosperity for all. Inaction on climate change will undo progress towards any of these objectives. Vision and aims MVDC is committed to protecting and enhancing…
… the environment and improving the quality of life for all our communities. In this Strategy MVDC commits to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 with initial actions focused on making significant reductions in carbon emissions at the Council Offices and Dorking Halls. The Strategy also aims to demonstrate local leadership in helping Mole Valley become a carbon neutral district. To this end the Council…
… services and taking action to minimise the adverse impacts. Leadership: leading by example, setting climate friendly policies and engaging with our residents and businesses to drive positive change across the District. Lobbying government: working with others to lobby government for changes in policy and infrastructure and for funding opportunities to help achieve ambitious carbon reduction…
… of the building /service by 5- 15% High = action anticipated to reduce carbon footprint of the building /service by 15-25% Mitigation = action anticipated to help adapt to future impacts of climate change Offsetting = action anticipated to help offset carbon emissions. Summary of Key Performance Indicators (2021/22) 18 | P a g e Priority Action KPI Target Priority 1: Reducing emissions from…